
Real Estate Finance 0042R

$ 287 usd
Wed, Jul 2, 2025, 6:00 PM CDT – Wed, Jul 30, 2025, 10:00 PM CDT
In-Person Class (w/Zoom™ Option) at REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate, 331 Village Pointe Plaza, Omaha, NE, USA Map
Dates Breakdown
Wed, Jul 2, 2025, 6:00 – 10:00 PM CDT
1st Class in series
Mon, Jul 7, 2025, 6:00 – 10:00 PM CDT
2nd Class in series
Real Estate Finance 0042R

Real Estate Finance 0042R

This class will be offered via ZOOM ONLY!  

This course provides a general overview of the financial aspects of real estate for both buyers and sellers. Students will gain a base understanding of the types, sources, and functions of real estate finance. Once the student masters this ‘money piece’ of the real estate industry, they will be able to better serve the financial needs of their real estate buyers and sellers.

33.75 classroom hours, approved by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission

Your tuition includes all course materials (in digital format). Course materials are formatted to perform well on computers, tablets, and smartphones. If you desire a hard copy as a registered REEsults student you are permitted to print these documents for your personal use only! You can order a hard copy of the course materials from a link in your paid registration confirmation email or directly from the REEsult Coaching Online Store

  • Attend from any Internet-connected PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device.
  • Dial-in by phone or via microphone (video camera required by state mandate to proctor attendees!)

Looking forward to seeing you in our Live Zoom audio/video sessions!


Mark Wehner,
REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate
| (402) 676-0101


Check your email Inbox immediately after registration verifying your receipt of your Confirmation Email! If you do not see this email in your regular email Inbox… check your spam file and transfer the Confirmation Email to your Inbox and SAVE THIS EMAIL! It contains links for all course materials and the Zoom Link for accessing the live, virtual class. The email will be coming from Corsizio noreply@corsizio.com



Russell Williams

Mortgage Originator, Loan Officer, Member FDIC and Finance Instructor

Contact us


In-Person Class (w/Zoom™ Option) at REEsults Coaching School of Real Estate, 331 Village Pointe Plaza, Omaha, NE, USA


  • Pre-License Real Estate Finance 0042R